Upcoming Courses

Tree Risk Assessment Qualification (TRAQ):

With the pandemic still impacting our ability to host in-person educational sessions, the Penn-Del Chapter is working on how we can resume offering TRAQ courses. We apologize for any inconvenience. 

Other Courses: 

Are you offering a course and want ISA credits? Please contact  our Chapter's Certification Liaison, Scott Sjolander at 814-350-7749 or [email protected]




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News from ISA

The Certification Board has revised the ISA Certified Arborist Code of Ethics! The ISA Certified Arborist Code of Ethics was intended to improve professional practice and provide a measure of protection for consumers of arboricultural services.

While most credential holders agreed in theory that implementation of ethical standards was necessary, we did hear significant feedback about certain parts of the agreement. Because all ISA Certified Arborists are required to sign the agreement to receive or maintain their ISA credential, it is important that this document reflects the value and the best practices of a quality certification program and the professional arborist. ISA Certified Arborists believe that this agreement does and will advance the profession of arboriculture.

ISA is not letting this feedback go unheard and we have made changes to the requirement for disclosure. We have now limited the scope of this disclosure requirement, asking all ISA Certified Arborists to only report those activities which are related to the professional practice of arboriculture. All ISA Certified Arborists will be asked to acknowledge the changes by signing the updated agreement when they come up for recertification.

Please view the revised ISA Code of Ethics and Certification Agreement/Release Authorization at: www.isaarbor.com/certification/codeOfEthics/index.aspx.

The ISA Certification Board believes that the Code of Ethics and Ethics Agreement creates a level of accountability within the profession. Our goal is to ensure that homeowners and consumers have a positive experience because of the high quality of service they receive from an ISA Certified Arborist, which increases the likelihood that they will support the ISA Certification Program over the long-term.

If you have additional Code of Ethics questions please contact ISA at [email protected]